

Del Close(1934-99)

※これは『THE COMEDY IMPROV HANDBOOK』という本からの抜粋を機械翻訳し、ちょっと僕が手直しをしたものです。まだちゃんとは訳文チェックは出来ていないので、参考程度にしてください。原文は日本語訳の下に転載してあります。

そこで即興の主要な概念に触れ、Ted FlickerやElaine Mayと共に即興の最初のルールを確立するのに貢献しました。
彼は1960年代後半をサンフランシスコで過ごし、The Committeeと共に活動し、ハロルドを演じた最初のグループとして知られ、Grateful Deadのショーのために光の映像を制作しました。
Del Close was an actor, writer, stand-up, author, "mad scientist," and teacher who revolutionized improvisational comedy. Known to many as "the guru," Close is the (co)-father of the Harold and helped create an improv style not based on games but on scenic relationships, honesty, and connections. He dedicated his life to proving that improv was more than a tool for sketch comedy - that it was in fact a viable means of performance in its own right.
Close began his improv career in the late 1950s with the St. Louis Compass Players.
While there, he was introduced to the major concepts of improvisation, and along with Ted Flicker and Elaine May helped establish the first set of rules for improv. In 1960 Close moved to Chicago, his home base for much of the rest of his life. He initially worked at The second City, but was fired (numerous times) due to substance abuse and things like not showing up to work. He spent later half of the 1960s in San Francisco where he worked with The Comminee. the est group to perform a Harold, and created light images for Grateful Dead shows. In 1972 he retured to Chicago, and to Second City, serving as resident director for the next ten years
Over the next decade he trained many popular comedians, including a stint in the early 1980s as "house metapiysician" at Saturday Night Live. At SNL and beyond, Close's students and protégés were becoming household names, and crediting the guru" with their success. Close spent the mid-to-late 1980s and 1990s teaching at ImprovOlympic. His decades-long drug and substance abuse, homever, caught up to him and Close died on March 4, 1999, five days before his 65th birthday. In his will he bequeathed his skull to the Goodman Theater to be used in its productions of Hamlet. His will specified that he be duly credited in the program as portraying Yorick and that when he was not "performing" it be put on display. Although Chama Halpem stood by her story that the skull donated was indeed Close's. she later admitted in a New Jorker interview that the skull given to the theater was not his but in fact a purchased skull from a local medical supply company.
Skull or no skull, Del Close's legacy cannot be overstated. His basic rules of agreeing to the reality of the scene, making active choices, and wearing a character as a thin veil have become so well respected that are the basis for almost all improvisation. The popularity and influence of the Harold can be seem beyond i0 in contemporary film and television. Close's drive and persistence in to create a new generation of improvisers, claiming that improvisation, in itself, is an art form and not just the means to an end.



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