

Keith Johnstone(1933-2023)

※これは『THE COMEDY IMPROV HANDBOOK』という本からの抜粋を機械翻訳し、ちょっと僕が手直しをしたものです。まだちゃんとは訳文チェックは出来ていないので、参考程度にしてください。原文は日本語訳の下に転載してあります。

彼は即興の「シアタースポーツ」スタイルを生み出し、即興劇に関する2冊の本、「Impro」と「Impro for Storytellers」で広く知られています。
彼はロンドンのロイヤル・コート劇場で劇作家として働き、イングランドでTheatre Machine Improvisationグループを立ち上げてツアーを行いました。
1970年にカルガリーに移り、1977年にはLoose Moose Theatreを共同創設し、ここでImproトレーニングシステムを完全に展開しました。
彼は子供を未熟な大人と見なすのではなく、大人を想像力と遊び心を失った子供(as atrophied children who had lost their sense of imagination and play)と見なしました。
彼は生徒に準備をせず、平均的であることに挑戦すること(dare to be average)を奨励しました。
彼のお気に入りの格言のいくつかは次の通りです。「失敗しないと何も学べない("You can't learn anything without failing." )」「どうか最善を尽くさないでください。最善を尽くすことは、自分よりも優れていることを試みることです("Please don't do your best. Trying to do your best is trying to be better than you are." )」「舞台に立って関係性を築くために行ってください。少なくとも一人ではありません("Go onto stage to make relationships. At least you won't be alone.")」。
A legendary teacher, playwright, and director, Keith Johnstone is one of the pioneers of improvisational theater. He's widely known for creating the Theatresports style of improv, as well as his two books on improvisational theater, Impro and Impro for Storytellers. He worked as a playwright with the Royal Court Theatre in London and created and toured with the Theatre Machine Improvisation group in England, before moving to Calgary in 1970, where he co-founded the Loose Moose Theatre in 1977 where he fully developed the Impro training system.
Born and raised in England, Johnstone found the public school system deplorable. He felt that it stymied his imagination and creativity, and worked to actively make him shy and self-conscious. His teachings, which began at the Royal Court Theatre in London, are based on the complete opposite approach. Instead of viewing children as immature adults that needed scolding and standardization to be molded into responsible grown-ups, he viewed adults as atrophied children who had lost their sense of imagination and play. He wanted to create spontaneous, creative, and open actors by tapping into the latent creativity and spontaneity inside everyone. Rather than trying to be someone or something else, Johnstone's teachings center on being true to your own unique individual self and trusting your own instincts and ideas.
Laid out in detail in Impro, the basic concept involves playing games to become more free and spontaneous. He's famous for urging students to not prepare and to dare to be average. His concept of originality is based on simply being true to yourself and your instincts rather than trying to create something you think the teacher wants. Some of his favorite maxims include: *You can't learn anything without failing." "Please don't do your best. Trying to do your best is trying to be better than you are." "Go onto stage to make relationships. At least you won't be alone." Johnstone is one of improv's legendary teachers, coining many of the basic philosophies we use in classes today, including introducing the ideas of reincorporation and status, both of which are further explored in
Section II.
In 1998 he founded the International Theatresports Institute, which joins together the many Theatresports companies throughout the world.


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